Burning Souls. A thriller – Release date May 27, 2019.
Researched, wrote, co-wrote or published the following major books, manuals and CD-Roms:
- Sustainable Sport Management: Running an Environmentally, Socially and Economically Responsible Organization, UNEP, 2001
- Sustainable Development Principles in Action: Learning from the Sydney 2000 Experience, Green & Gold Inc., 2001 (CD-Rom)
- Greening Our Games: Running Sports Events & Facilities that Won’t Cost the Earth, Centurion Publishing, 1994 (published in English, Japanese and Korean)
- Greening Campuses and their Communities, IISD/ACCC/UNEP, 1996 (electronic publication)
- Bike City  Great City (2014)
- Powerful – Energy for Everyone (2010)
- Be the Change: People living lightly and loving it. (2008)
More than 100 articles published in journals, magazines and books on a wide range of environment and sustainable development topics.