With the book finally off to the printers (!!!), I am turning my mind to the exciting adventure ahead of me: the Electrified Burning Souls Road Trip. On June 3, I will roll out of my Ottawa driveway in our electric Bolt, with boxes of books, camping gear and a bicycle on the back. For the next seven weeks, I will be bringing my book and my message to many communities across the country, as far west as Victoria.
This is particularly exciting, for two reasons. First, I know there will be great people, discussions, adventures, sites, natural beauty and food. Second, I am making it up as I go. I really don’t know at this time what awaits me. Which is both scary and thrilling. I haven’t really done this kind of thing since I headed out to Japan after graduating from university with no job lined up, and about 5 words of Japanese.
At least this time I speak the language, and I have some pretty good networks of friends and likeminded Canadians to call on. Still, it would be nice not to just arrive in a big city or small town and announce to passers-by “I’m here!”
So I am hard at work now pulling together my itinerary. I’ll leave some things to chance, but not everything. So, for all who are envious, supportive or both, I would like you to feel like you are along for the ride. Please contribute your ideas.
Over the next two weeks, I will be collecting your suggestions. Who do you know that might be interested in hosting a book/speaking event? That could be an environmental group, a church congregation, an electric vehicle club, a book club, a book store or just about anyone. Do you know any journalists who might be interested in covering the story: “Former councillor publishes climate breakdown thriller, hops into EV and crosses the country to connect with Canadians.” Do you have friends or family who might want to attend an event, or host me and my electron-thirsty Bolt? Or, quite simply, what natural places of beauty should I be sure to see, cycle or walk? Where should I absolutely stop to eat? Or perhaps get a local beer (when I am done driving for the day!).
Yes, I am looking for your help– again! But I will reciprocate by taking you along with me. I’ll be sharing my stories, my photos and any interesting media coverage. So, please give me your ideas.
As for my route, well, that is still somewhat flexible. But here is what I know already. I leave June 3 from Ottawa, passing through North Bay, Sudbury, SS Marie and onward over Lake Superior to Winnipeg. I’ll head northwest through Saskatoon and on to Edmonton. Then through Jasper and Kamloops to Vancouver for an extended stay and visit with my son Eric. I’ll try to get to Victoria while there. Then I head east to Calgary and Lethbridge to meet up with family for a southern Rockies vacation. Canada Day weekend will be in the Okanagan region, as will the next week. Then it is homeward bound, one vehicle charge at a time. On the return, I’ll stop in Regina and Brandon. Then take the same or a slightly varied route through northern Ontario. Estimated return is late July.
It is a huge country. Anything can happen, and lots will. After all, it’s the Electrified Burning Souls Road Trip!
In closing, here are two items with specific dates.
* My Ottawa book launch at Southminster United Church is May 27 at 7pm. Free of charge. Let’s pack the place. There will be an extended book reading, audience Q&A, book sales/signing and a reception.
* The Indiegogo campaign to help me defray book production costs closes on Sunday May 5. Please help today. https://igg.me/at/burning-souls/x/19914394